Men’s Golf Association in Powhatan, VA
The Mill Quarter Men’s Golf Association in Powhatan, VA, (MQGA) holds golf tournaments each month and invites you to join them at our public golf course. Membership is $100 yearly ($80 for seniors over 65) payable before January 1st of each year. See the tournament schedule below for a listing of MQGA events.
Our Men’s Golf Association conducts monthly golf tournaments in addition to providing the Ghin Handicap System through the VSGA as a way of posting scores and maintaining up-to-date handicaps. The Pro Shop also provides a discount to green fees and allows walking on weekends for full Association Members. The Pro Shop also offers a discount of 10% off for equipment and most merchandise purchased in the shop. The Association also maintains a hole-in-one pot for a hole-in-one made in an Association tournament.
As you can see from the attached tournament schedule, we have a very nice schedule of events in which all members can compete for either gross or handicap prizes and enjoy the fun and camaraderie of playing with fellow Association members. Also, beer and soft drinks are always provided. If you have any questions about our Association, please email me or talk to the staff at Mill Quarter Golf Course.
To become a member, please print and mail this PDF application form.
Association Benefits
- $4.00 Discount off Mill Quarter Green Fees (Sat-Sun-Holidays Only). No Twilight Discount.
- Merchandise Discounts–10% off Pro Shop Merchandise
- Organized Tournaments Each Month
- USGA Sanctioned Computerized Handicap System
- Association Newsletter Every Other Month
- Eligibility for VSGA and RGA Events
- Receive VSGA Newsletter and Information via Email
- Receive VSGA Virginia Golfer Magazine
- Allows Members to Walk Anytime